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1.29.0 - Notification Support

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



Notification Lists

Notifications and Audiences have been upgraded from an internal table to full list support. This enables access to access and control of notifications via the API for the creation of 3rd party notification systems. See the Technical Documentation for requirements to produce and manage notifications.

Environment Headers

Webhooks and Service tasks sent from RAPID to external systems now will carry environment information in their headers. This allows for the creation of third party endpoints that can react differently if a request is received from Test or Production.


  • Fixed dates pulled from a Data Store using Lodash in Workflow v3 returning a JS date instead of an ISO date
  • Fixed lookups prefilled with just an ID failing to fetch the display field in Tasks
  • Enabled JSON fields on base tables to be returned on the All$ view, matching behaviour with sub tables


  • Enabled input limits on Adaptive Input components
  • Added Adaptive File Component support when placed in the Tasks experience
  • When searching for a component to add in the Adaptive Designer, the All view now can regard a list context
  • Added multi-select to the component adding panel in Adaptive Designer
  • Added improved error messaging when trying to submit a public form that had been removed from a local store